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About IBM SPSS Statistics

IBM SPSS Statistics is the standard tool for statistics used by both beginners and professionals. It was created as a statistic tool for social estimation at Stanford University in 1968. The user can easily and deeply estimate the data related with the person including sales data, medical data and etc…

SPSS software will help support the decision making of the organization with the data. It will correct the information of the customer’s opinions and attitudes and will also be able to give a prediction before the user starts their business. It will also combine the user’s business process. This cycle will enable the user to make a sound decision in improving the precision of the projects.

Our Services

Mediamart provides IBM SPSS Statistics and Software maintenance support.

  • Provides IBM SPSS Statistics
  • Estimation of software
  • Recommended software Configuration Guidance
  • Software maintenance support

Products Lineup

Basic Software (Required)

spss10IBM SPSS Statistics Base
Essential tools for statistical analysis

Optional Software

spss11IBM SPSS Data Preparation
Improve data preparation for more accurate results
spss12IBM SPSS Decision Trees
Easily identify groups and predict outcomes
spss13IBM SPSS Forecasting
Build sophisticated time-series forecasts regardless of your skill level
spss14IBM SPSS Advanced Statistics
Powerful modeling techniques for analyzing complex relationships
spss15IBM SPSS Categories
Predict outcomes and reveal relationships in categorical data
spss16IBM SPSS Exact Tests
Accurately analyze small data sets or those with rare occurrences
spss17IBM SPSS Conjoint
Understand and measure purchasing decisions
spss18IBM SPSS Bootstrapping
Create more reliable models and generate more accurate results
spss19IBM SPSS Complex Samples
Analyze statistical data and interpret survey results from complex samples
spss20IBM SPSS Neural Networks
Find more complex relationships in your data
spss21IBM SPSS Custom Tables
Analyze your data with custom tables that is created efficiently
spss22IBM SPSS Missing Values
Build better models when you estimate missing data
spss23IBM SPSS Direct Marketing
Easily identify the right customers and improve campaign results
spss24IBM SPSS Regression
Improve the accuracy of predictions with advanced regression procedures
Easily perform structural equation modeling
IBM SPSS Text Analytics for Surveys
Analyze survey text and discover valuable insights
IBM SPSS SamplePower
Identify the right sample size for any research criteria


Feel free to contact us through these form and e-mails if you have any plan to purchase IBM SPSS Statistics software, need customer support including version up after you purchase it or need more information about prices, discounts and products.

Link to SPSS Technical Support (in Japanese only)

Link to SPSS products information support (in Japanese only)